Art - Watercolour

This Group is a friendly gathering of beginners and novices in the art of watercolour.  We normally meet regularly throughout the year at a meeting room in Bracknell every other Wednesday afternoon.

There are no tutors and no testing of your ability so Members practice their own techniques  and develop their own style. This could be by drawing a composition to scale, stretching their paper, transferring the outline picture onto the watercolour paper, perhaps also doing a tonal drawing and of course painting their picture. Or perhaps by referring to an art book or photograph and just having a go, possibly with a little advice and assistance from other members.

Although the Group has adopted a 'do your own thing' approach rather than a structured ‘tutored’ course the standard of watercolours exhibited by the Group is quite high. This is quite encouraging as most members have done very little art and in particular watercolour until they retired and joined U3A.

A Risk Assesment for this Group can be found here.

Before attending a meeting of this Group for the first time please contact the coordinator as below.

For more information please email:-